Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

About Jeff Hardy

          Born on August 31, 1977 as Jeffrey Nero Hardy, the famed wrestler Jeff Hardy was born to play extreme sports. At age 12, Jeff developed an interest in motocross and started to race when he was in the 9th grade, but had to stop after injuring his arm during a race. He was very active in sports, playing baseball, football and amateur wrestling in high school. However, when he was asked to choose between playing sports and professional wrestling, Jeff Hardy knew he was a natural born wrestler and chose to become one.

          Wrestling fans are well aware of Jeff Hardy’s achievements, but not everyone knows that this American professional wrestler started his career by forming his own wrestling promotion with his brother Matt Hardy and their friends, calling it TWF – the Trampoline Wrestling Federation. Hardy soon collaborated with Thomas Simpson to form another wrestling federation called the OMEGA, short for Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts and a more successful version of the TWF featuring talents like Gregory Helms, Shannon Moore, Joey Matthews and the Hardy brothers to name a few. However, thepromotion ended and gave a new beginning to the brothers when they were signed by the big boys, the World Wrestling Federation in 1998.

          From 1998 to 2002, the Hardy brothers became known as “The Hardy Boyz” and often competed against Edge and Christian as well as the Dudley Boys. Although the duo didn’t quite become successful yet, Jeff Hardy became known as one of the most reckless and unorthodox wrestlers in the WWF with his high-risk stunts throughout the TLC matches in 2000 to 2002; the fans loved him for his famous finishing moves like the 'Twist of Fate', '450-degree Splash' and 'Swanton Bomb'.


          Lahir pada tanggal 31 Agustus 1977 sebagai Jeffrey Nero Hardy, Jeff Hardy pegulat terkenal yang lahir untuk bermain olahraga ekstrim. Pada usia 12, Jeff mengembangkan minat dalam motorcross dan mulai balapan ketika dia berada di kelas 9, tapi harus berhenti setelah cedera lengannya selama perlombaan. Dia sangat aktif dalam olahraga, bermain baseball, sepak bola dan gulat amatir di sekolah tinggi. Namun, ketika ia diminta untuk memilih antara olahraga dan bermain gulat profesional, Jeff Hardy tahu bahwa ia adalah seorang pegulat lahir alami dan memilih untuk menjadi satu.  

          Fans gulat sangat menyadari prestasi Jeff Hardy, namun tidak semua orang tahu bahwa ini pegulat profesional Amerika memulai karirnya dengan membentuk gulat sendiri promosi dengan saudaranya Matt Hardy dan teman-teman mereka, menyebutnya TWF - yang Trampoline Wrestling Federation. Hardy segera berkolaborasi dengan Thomas Simpson untuk membentuk federasi gulat lain yang disebut OMEGA, singkatan Organisasi Modern bergulat Extreme Seni dan versi lebih sukses dari TWF menampilkan bakat seperti Gregory Helms, Shannon Moore, Joey Matthews dan saudara-saudara Hardy untuk beberapa nama . Namun, thepromotion berakhir dan memberikan awal baru untuk saudara-saudara ketika mereka ditandatangani oleh anak laki-laki besar, World Wrestling Federation pada tahun 1998.
          Dari tahun 1998 hingga 2002, saudara Hardy dikenal sebagai "The Hardy Boyz" dan sering bertanding melawan Edge dan Kristen serta Dudley Boys. Meskipun duo ini tidak cukup menjadi sukses belum, Jeff Hardy dikenal sebagai salah satu pegulat paling ceroboh dan ortodoks di stunts nya WWF dengan risiko tinggi di seluruh KLT pertandingan di tahun 2000 menjadi 2002; para penggemar mencintainya nya yang terkenal finishing bergerak seperti 'Twist of Fate' itu, '450-derajat Splash 'dan' Swanton Bom '.

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